Ex33 Local variable x referenced before assignment

I have finished the study drills of ex33, but I find something new that I am not sure about when I break the script again.
Here is my Script1:

def cycle(i, a, b, c):
	while i < a :
		print(f"At the top i is {i}")
		i = i + c
		print("Numbers now: ", b)
		print(f"At the bottom i is {i}")
	print("The numbers: ")

	for num in b:

a = int(input("integer i please> "))
b = int(input("integer a please> "))
c = list(input("elements of list please"))
d = int(input("integer increment please"))

cycle(a, b, c, d)


numbers = []
b = int(input("Type in integer of range "))
c = int(input("Type in integer of increment "))

def cycle(a):
	a = range(0, b)
	for i in a:
		print(f"At the top i is {i}")

		print("Numbers now: ", numbers)
		print(f"At the bottom i is {i}")
	print("The numbers: ")

	for num in numbers:



numbers = []
a = int(input("Type in integer a please"))
i = 1

def cycle(a):
	#global i   without (global i):UnboundLocalError: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment
	while i < a :
		print(f"At the top i is {i}")

		i = i + 1
		print("Numbers now: ", numbers)
		print(f"At the bottom i is {i}")
		print("The numbers: ")

	for num in numbers:


Script1 and 2 is operating normally, but I got a error in script3 as you can see that after #UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘i’ referenced before assignment. Error says ‘i’ is local variable but i thought that this variable is global. At the same time variable ‘b’ in script2 is global, I just want to know how python3.6 define local variables and global variables? Could someone give me some advice or clues?

Yes, you have to tell the cycle function that it should use the i you defined outside of cycle. That’s what global does. Otherwise cycle just thinks you’re trying to use a variable it knows nothing about. Try also just moving i inside cycle instead:

def cycle(a):
    i = 1
    # rest of code here

Also, your text editor seems to be set to use real TAB characters instead of writing 4 spaces when you hit the tab key. Depending on your editor you should be able to fix that in preferences. Google for how to “set TAB to 4 spaces” for your text editor.