Ex46 - Ran 0 tests Issue - Help!

Hello @zedshaw ,

I meant the second, I activate the virtual environment and the code lives in a total different directory.

Thanks for your time!

I’m wondering if the issue is with how Nose works with the site-packages part of the configuration. Especially if it seem to work when global site packages are at play, ie. when the project environment is deactivated. (I assume you have root access as you said it works without an active project environment @martincormack ).

I’d like to know more about what’s going on in this part of the virtualenv creation process. Can you explain @zedshaw ? Like @ulfen69 I always tend to use venv these days as I have root access, and cannot see what I’m missing from the full featured virtualenv.

Well then that’s super weird. Is this on Windows by chance? I seem to see this a lot on windows inside powershell.

Yes it is On Windows and Powershell. But just by removing the init file from the tests folder solves the problem, strangely :man_shrugging:t2:

That’s…super dumb. Well anyway, I’ll keep that in mind for a future person asking the question.

Have a try . It’s _ init _.py , not init.py . There is a space between _.

Hi @XIAOKE1, There is no space in that file name. I think you’re having trouble typing it here because __ (two underscores) starts a bold word like hi is in bold. If you do this though:


Then the forum will ignore your underlines and write it out as code.