My inspiration for long projects

Whenever I get discouraged by a large project, I like to think about Dwarf Fortress, which is made by a pair of brothers intent on making a procedurally-generated game complete with randomized mythos, magic, alliances, etc. Quite an amazing feat. The project has been going since at least 2006, and this is their current dev log. I dunno, for me it helps to see something like this where the developers recognize the absurd scope of their goal and break it into pieces, working towards it bit by bit.

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Wow, that’s perseverance. I admire that. Cool thing, though.

Actually, the work on it since 2002! Wow.

Dwarf Fortress has been in development on-and-off since 2002 and consistently since 2006.

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You should read the commit messages for that project. They’re great:

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