Nosetests: command not found


When I run ‘nosetests’ I keep getting the message ‘command not found’ - I have actually installed nose2, is this why?

Shouldn’t matter which one you install, but to help you we’ll need more information. What operating system are you on? Python Version?

I’m using a Mac and Python 3.6

I got nosetests to run - I wasn’t in the vitualenv

Score, perfect. Can you help out the next person and describe your solution and problem more? Thanks.

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I am using a Mac and Python 3.6.

When I typed the command ‘nosetests’ in the Terminal:

skeleton $ nosetests

I got the following error message:

-bash: nosetests: command not found

Then I realised I was not in the virtual environment that we created, so I entered the command:

lpthw $. ~/.venvs/lpthw/bin/activate

and my prompt changed to the virtual environment prompt:

(lpthw) $

I then went into the skeleton project folder and entered ‘nosetests’:

(lpthw) skeleton $ nosetests

The test was then carried out.