Accountability December 9th - 15th

My status this week is: I’ve been streaming a lot of gameplay while sussing out what draws people in to a game. Whether it’s character design, audio direction, or some other combination of magic.

DONE: I’ve been working with OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) and it handles far better than Streamlabs OBS (you pay a premium subscription for a nice theme) or Twitch Studio Beta (Twitch’s proprietary software).
BLOCKERS: Audio mixing is still a nightmare to figure out, and I’m stuck on wifi as opposed to ethernet, which means I can max out at about 720p, 1080p on a good day (but the end-watcher might have to buffer a lot).
GOALS: Back to the Unity Grind…

I am currently working on … Pacing myself, and learning my limitations. I should only compete with myself.

I am struggling with understanding … Git workflows. I have to keep hacking away at it and doing good commit messages that are clean and universal. Style guides are important.

I am finally understanding … Why open-source software is such a boon and we should continue to support it over proprietary software while being a hobbyist.

I have work to show at … If you are curious about my gaming shenanigans, you can see my content here. PLEASE NOTE it is an M-rated stream and we do talk about really silly and raunchy things from time to time. Definitely do not watch it at work without headphones. (And even then, you probably don’t want to be watching TV at work).


My status this week is: rudderless

DONE: I’ve worked through 22/24 java exercises. Migrated todo’s into Basecamp for all projects. Started a list for Programming stuff todo over Xmas…

BLOCKERS: Java SDK issues with course material. Longer/more running. Moved to a plant-based diet a month or so ago and so I need more time to plan meals around training demands.

GOALS: sort my three main work areas out in an organised way (LCodeTheHardWay, Java, other Python stuff). Create a schedule for each.

I am currently working on … Java beginners. Paused MicroBlog.

I am struggling with understanding … Nothing specifically yet.

I am finally understanding … Why python’s readable syntax is so good.

I have work to show at … github but not complete


My status this week: Figured out some tiny things in Django that tripped me up for a while. Django is so big and the documentation so vast so that I sometimes miss some important things just by a hair. Asking on StackOverflow helped me out a view times …
Started learning Elm. It is fascinating and with the functional programming paradigm something fresh. I know for an industries job I would have to learn React or Vue (while React seems more in fashion in Switzerland) for front-end development but Elm was to attractive to me :slight_smile:

DONE: Show Foreign Key relations in template. First exercises in the official Elm-tutorial.


GOALS: Figure out some new ways to learn a new language faster.

I am currently working on … Real-Estate Django-App. Elm-Tutorial.

I am struggling with understanding … Nothing specifically yet.

I am finally understanding … How to show foreign-key related items in a template.

I have work to show at … Nothing for now.


My status this week: I’m still in process of redesigning my site. I’ve begun a mock up in a program called Affinity Designer. I’m working on trying to focus better on making a proper mock-up. The reason for this is I was digging through my previous work I’ve done. here I remember doing a mock up for that and remember it made everything easier to realize. There is no substitute for proper planning.

DONE: Begun a mock up and not overlooking responsive design.

BLOCKERS: Went on a tutorial tangent, started exploring C# and .NET, specifically ASP.NET.

GOALS: Keep pressing, keep focused, learn how to set effective personal deadlines.

I am currently working on: Shaking off the rust, re-reading my old programs, continuing work on my personal site.

I am not currently struggling with anything particular at this time.

I am finally understanding: If you have to eat a frog, eat this biggest one first.

I have nothing to show at this time.


My status this week:
Getting back into my working rhythm after a crazy week. I’m coding every day again. Good focus, although I have much other work to do.

DONE: LCTHW Dynamic array. Another deep dive into Haskell/functional programming (different recursive patterns).


GOALS: Finish LCTHW DArray algorithms on the weekend. Finally collate a Python module with the little tools that I keep writing again and again.

I am currently working on: See above.
I am finally understanding: How vast computer science is… Need to keep going slowly and steadily.
No work to show for me either.


started course on edx on linux basics and it is entirely review so far. I have already learned a bunch just from using ubuntu for several years but I know there will be higher level knowledge in there somewhere. I joined this forum which I did not know existed until zed himself emailed me about it! going to follow his advice and start over from (nearly) the beginning of lpthw
I have been trying to help my friend get off of drugs and he is going through it the hardest way possible. he basically hit rock bottom and fried his brain on crystal meth and i think he wants to get better. I am willing to invest time into helping him reaching recovery, but it has been taking nearly all of my time the last week.
make it through the holidays and get back and buckle down on studying.


Week-end update: Burnt out on Unity and documentation.

Re-evaluation of priorities: Answer Zed after my video game development podcast in, oh… 8 hours.

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