Pytest for ex51

Finally I have achieved my goal. To write all the test with Pytest instead of Nose.

This is the equivalent test.

import pytest

from import app
app.config['TESTING'] = True
client = app.test_client()

web = app.test_client()

""" This fixture is for the two test that have a GET parameter and '/hello'.
The other test is just one of each type. No use to give them fixtures """
def web_get():
    rv = web.get('/hello', follow_redirects=True)
    return rv

def test_404():
    rv = web.get('/', follow_redirects = True)
    assert rv.status_code == 404

def test_200(web_get):
    assert web_get.status_code == 200

def test_fill_form(web_get):
    assert b'Fill Out this form please.' in  

def test_data():
    data = {'name': 'Ulf', 'greet': 'Hello'}
    rv ='/hello', follow_redirects=True, data=data )
    assert b'Ulf' in
    assert b'Hello' in

Now off to the study drills before the last exercise.


Great, man!
I’m always confused with that fixtures thing. Have to look more into that.

Hello @DidierCH

It wasn’t easy to get this into my head.
There is a gap between beginners level and advanced level. If the example not are over easy they are quite complicated (my opinion based on my level).
It was hard to find a example with some basic function.

I also learned that this fixture and other can be put in a file in the same level as the tests/ directory.
Then it can be used in any test_*.py files in the tests/ directory that need this fixture.
Pretty convinient. :+1:

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Do you have that example anymore? Would be interested in seeing it, because it’s like you said: the examples are either over simple or to complicated)

Hello @DidierCH.

I am reading this book (Python testing with Pytest) at the moment to learn how to do the test parts in Zeds book.

One thing came to my mind.
Perhaps I try to fill in the gap between basic and advanced. In here as a thread.
What do you think?

Hey @ulfen69 that would be fantastic.

Hmm, that book is on my list as one of the next to read. I’m currently learning Django but testing is next.

I will just write down what I have learned so far.
Pieces that I had to work a little bit to understand. Not a complete school.
Just a little bridge over the “gap”
Except for helping others (hopefully), this also help myself.

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This didn’t work for me when I typed in the code. However, I noticed my code did not work unless I put when importing app. Not sure why this is since normally for pytest just indicating the module has worked for me.

This is what I wrote for ex51 with pytest:


Without the I always get this error in Powershell:

AttributeError: module ‘’ has no attribute ‘config’

Hope this helps anyone trying to use pytest instead of Nose