Study drill for ex 51

i’m currently setting up a server i can access from the web, for the study drill in this exercise

just stating with the basics remote desktop connection
so i have got the connection working over the local network so i can connect using the local ip

this is the setup

-generic isp modem
    - local devices
    -dsr250n router
        -local devices 
        - server i want to access

i have set up a dyndns account

both routers have the option to set dyndns

from my under standing i would use the Telstra modem to set the dyndns
then use port forwarding to the ip assigned to the dsr250n router and port 3389 for remote desktop connections

id make a rule in the firewall for this connection for wan access

then id set port forwarding on the dsr router to the server ip and port 3389

id then make a firewall rule to allow this

does this sound correct?

This sounds way too complicated. I mean, it’s cool if you can get it working but I’d just get a very cheap 2.5 euro/month VPS from Hetzner:

Just forget about letting people into your home network off dyndns. Way too much trouble compared to a small monthly fee like this. Also, I’m pretty sure you’ll run into things you can use a VPS for, like you can install wireguard:

And get your very own private VPN you control.

absolutely agree that i wouldn’t want to have my home network open. i’m planning on using this as a personal cloud / development and testing.

id use mac address and schedules for access to stop any unwanted traffic, so i can also just add new devices when needed.

and its defiantly about gaining an understanding, of networking and setting up a Linux server, web server and sql for the cloud.

i have already changed the default ips and user accounts for the routers, for security, i’ve set up my linux machine with a gui, added a remote viewer that i can access locally on port 3389 so i,m almost there :slight_smile:

Like I said, educational if you can get it to work, but not advisable. :wink:

If you can deal with the name in the url, you can use a Python Anywhere account for nothing.

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well that looks interesting, after i get this up i and figured out ill use that instead. cheers

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