Week of August 26th

Hi, I’m Zed and I’m the owner of this here forum. My status this week is:

DONE: I finalized my https://zedshaw.art/ design and have been working it into the new chapters for the JavaScript book.
BLOCKERS: I am traveling way too much, so my ability to work is sporadic. But, I manage to bring all of my recording gear on this trip so should be able to work.
GOALS: I am looking to finish an average of 1 chapter/video a day, and 1.0 paintings a day. Wish me luck!

I am currently working on the email subscription and notification system for the zedshaw.art demo project which will connect to Amazon’s SES to send email.

I am struggling with understanding how Gulp’s stream system works in certain edge cases. For example, I find it nearly impossible to make gulp avoid doing duplicate work such as processing a video that already has been processed.

I am finally understanding how Gulp’s stream system works in most cases.

I have work to show at https://zedshaw.art/

That’s how you do it, and feel free to embellish this with additional things you want to talk about and ask for guidance.